Sedation Dentistry is a great option for patients who may be anxious about visiting our dental clinic, patients with a strong gag reflex, or anyone who would like to complete several dental treatments at once in a single dental appointment. Crowns, extractions, root canals, fillings, and extractions are just a few of the dental treatments that can be performed under sedation.
Conscious Oral Sedation and IV Sedation are sedation dentistry options available at Highstreet Dental.
Conscious Oral Sedation enables you to be perfectly awake during your dental treatment; however, you remember little to nothing of the appointment itself.
If you are interested in learning more about oral or IV sedation please contact Highstreet Dental to set up a consultation.
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Address: Unit J155 - 3122 Mt Lehman Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2T 0C5
Highstreet Dental is located in the up-and-coming
urban Highstreet Shopping Centre, near convenient
amenities such as Walmart, London Drugs, Marshalls
and Cineplex Cinemas.